Monday, April 9, 2007


Packing is one of those things that I always put off until the very last minute, typically cramming that last thing into my bag right before I head off. In this case though, I decided that might not be the best of ideas. You know that feeling you have when you think you forgot to pack something and that you are going to be doomed without it? Well, try packing for over two years and then imagine that feeling of forgetting something. That is why in this case, I decided not to pack at the very last moment. Instead, I am taking the extra cautious route of packing a whole day before I even leave. My mom should be proud. Atleast packing for an island in the Pacific isn't quite as bad as it would be for packing for other places. Pants, longsleeves, coats....don't really need them. All you really need are some shorts, t-shirts, a camera, and some snorkel gear. Well maybe a little more than that, or a lot. How am I going to fit all of this into a couple of backpacks?!

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